News Center

  • What is PBX and how does it work?

    What is PBX and how does it work?

    Introduction to PBX (Private Branch Exchange) technology Private Branch Exchange (PBX) is a telephone system that is widely used in businesses and organisations to manage incoming and outgoing calls. PBX allows users to communicate with each other through a private network, which is separate from the public telephone network. The PBX system switches calls between…

  • What is an Internet Service Provider (ISP)?

    What is an Internet Service Provider (ISP)?

    An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company that provides access to the Internet for individuals and businesses. ISPs typically offer a range of services including broadband internet access, email, web hosting, and domain name registration. How ISPs work? ISPs connect customers to the internet through various technologies. They operate a network of servers that…

  • Why it is important for your business to have a website?

    Why it is important for your business to have a website?

    Having a website for your business is no longer an option but a necessity in today’s digital world. The internet has become the primary source for customers to look for goods and services, and businesses without a website risk losing out on this vast pool of potential customers. Credibility Having a website lends credibility to…
