Price Adjustment for R50 Hosting Package

Thursday, 14th December, 2023 at 08:32am

In light of the ongoing economic challenges and the impact of inflation on operational costs, we wanted to inform you of an upcoming adjustment to the pricing of our hosting packages.

Starting from February 1, 2024, there will be a price adjustment for customers on our R50 per month hosting package. The new pricing will be R65 per month. This adjustment is necessary to ensure we can continue providing you with the high-quality hosting services you expect from Site Essence.

It's important to note that this pricing adjustment only applies to customers on the R50 per month hosting package. If you joined Site Essence before October 2023, the adjustment will take effect for your account in February 2024. For new customers who joined after October 2023, the revised pricing has already been applied.

We understand the significance of this change and appreciate your continued trust in Site Essence. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this adjustment, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team.

Thank you for being a valued part of the Site Essence community. 

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