What is email routing?

Email routing is a feature that allows you to control how incoming emails are handled on your server. This can be useful in a variety of situations, such as when you want to redirect emails to specific accounts or addresses, or when you want to prevent certain emails from being delivered to your server.

To use email routing, you first need to log in to your hosting management account and navigate to the “Email Routing” section. In this section, you can specify how incoming emails should be handled. There are three main options for email routing:

  • Local Mail Exchanger: This option causes Site Essence to deliver incoming emails to the corresponding email account on your server. For example, if an email is sent to “john@yourdomain.com“, it will be delivered to the “john” email account on your server.
  • Remote Mail Exchanger: This option causes Site Essence to forward incoming emails to another server for delivery. This can be useful if you want to use a third-party email provider, such as Gmail or Microsoft Exchange, to handle your email.
  • Automatic Discard: This option causes Site Essence to automatically discard incoming emails without delivering them to any email accounts on your server. This can be useful if you want to prevent certain emails from being delivered to your server, such as spam or malicious emails.

Once you have selected the desired email routing option, you can customize the settings as needed. For example, if you have selected the “Remote Mail Exchanger” option, you can specify the IP address or hostname of the server that should be used for email delivery.

When you are finished, click the “Change” button to save your email routing settings. Your email routing will be updated, and incoming emails will be handled according to the settings that you specified.

In conclusion, email routing is a useful feature that allows you to control how incoming emails are handled on your server. By using email routing, you can redirect emails to specific accounts or addresses, or you can prevent certain emails from being delivered to your server. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily configure email routing to meet your specific needs.

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