Can I add other people to manage my Site Essence account?

Can multiple people manage a Site Essence account?

Yes, one Site Essence account can indeed be managed by multiple individuals, with each person's capabilities set by the account owner.

How can I add additional people to manage my Site Essence account?

To add additional individuals to manage your account, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Site Essence account.
  2. Navigate to the User Management option within your account settings.

What do I need to add someone to manage my account?

The person you're adding must have a Site Essence ID. If they already have one, they'll use it to access your account. If not, they'll be prompted to create one during the process.

What access capabilities can I assign to additional users?

As the account owner, you can set specific capabilities for each user added to your account. This ensures that individuals have appropriate access levels based on their roles and responsibilities.

Can I control and manage user access levels for added individuals?

Yes, you have full control over managing user access levels. You can assign, modify, or remove access privileges for each user to maintain security and control over your Site Essence account.

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