Can I migrate from Fibre to LTE?

Wireless LTE (Long-Term Evolution) and Fibre Internet are different products, each with its advantages and considerations. Users have the flexibility to sign up for Wireless LTE while retaining their Fibre connection, or they can choose to cancel their Fibre package after signing up for LTE.

Here's a breakdown of the options available:

  1. Keeping Fibre with Wireless LTE: Users who sign up for Wireless LTE can continue to maintain their existing Fibre connection if desired. This allows them to enjoy the benefits of both technologies, leveraging Fibre's high-speed, stable connection for certain tasks while using Wireless LTE for mobile or portable internet access.

  2. Replacing Fibre with Wireless LTE: Alternatively, users may opt to cancel their Fibre package after signing up for Wireless LTE. This decision may be influenced by factors such as cost, mobility requirements, or the availability of Fibre in their area. Wireless LTE offers the advantage of mobility, allowing users to access the internet from various locations without being tethered to a fixed Fibre connection.

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