Site Essence Help Center Articles
Am I notified before I am debited? Yes. You always receive multiple email and SMS reminders, reminding you of the debit amount and...
Am I required to pay with a debit order? An option to pay with an EFT or card (Pay Now) manually is only available for domains, website...
Available payment methods on Site Essence? Payment Method Description of payment method Available for Bank debit order or...
Can I add more than one bank account for my Site Essence payments? For a bank debit order, you can only use one bank account. For a credit card debit order, you...
Can I add multiple cards for my credit card debit order? Yes, you can add multiple cards under Payment Methods on your account. You can choose a default...
Can I change my debit order date? Yes, you can change your payment date to the 1st, 15, or 25th.
Can I claim a refund? If there is a refund due to you, please create a support ticket for the accounts department. You...
Can I pay with an EFT or direct bank transfer? An option to pay with an EFT or card (Pay Now) manually is only available for domains, website...
Do I need to update my debit order when I upgrade or downgrade my product/service? No. The debit amount will change to the price of your current package.
How can I change my payment method? Login to your account, and click on the option to edit your account. Scroll to find an option to...
How do I change my debit order date? To change your debit order date, please send an email to, call 0877...
How do I remove my card for a credit card debit order? You have to contact support to remove your card.  You cannot remove all cards if you have an...
How to check Site Essence transactions on my bank statement? Site Essence transactions have our business name, making it easy to track them. Site Essence...
How to manage my credit card debit order cards? You log into your account and then click on Payment Methods. You can manage your cards and rename...
How to manage my invoices? You can log in to your account, and then click Payments.
I was debited an incorrect amount? Please create a support ticket for the accounts department. You can also call or WhatsApp us on...
My debit order declined, what next? You will receive an SMS or email letting you know that your payment was unsuccessful. You will...
My payment for the month was not debited? Please contact support for assistance.
The amount on my invoice is double or incorrect? Please create a support ticket for the accounts department. You can also call or WhatsApp us on...
The difference between bank debit order and credit card debit order? With a bank debit order, you add your bank account details (account number, branch code, etc) and...
What happens when my debit order declines? You will receive an SMS or email letting you know that your payment was unsuccessful. You will...
Where do I find Site Essence's bank account? We do not offer an option to pay with a direct bank transfer. To make a payment, please log in...
Which bank can I use for my debit order? Our billing debit order facility accepts all banks in South Africa.
Why am I charged R50? A R50 is charged when your invoice becomes overdue, it usually becomes overdue 3-5 days from the...
Why is there only an option to pay with debit orders on my account? An option to pay with an EFT or card (Pay Now) manually is only available for domains, website...
Why was I charged a debit order rejection fee? Failed or overdue payments incur a late fee of R50. It is added to the outstanding invoice(s).

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