How long does it take to register a domain name?

Registering a domain name can take up to 24 hours for it to become active once the payment has been received. During this time, the domain name is propagated across the DNS (Domain Name System) servers on the internet, allowing it to be accessible to users worldwide.

It's important to note that if you have chosen a hosting package along with your domain registration, the hosting services will be available immediately upon activation, even if your website is not yet ready to be published to the world wide web. This means you can start setting up your website, email accounts, or any other associated services provided by your hosting package as soon as the registration process is complete.

While the domain registration process may take up to 24 hours for the domain to become active, the availability of hosting services ensures that you can begin working on your online presence without delay. Once the domain is active, you can point it to your hosting account and publish your website whenever you're ready.

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