Why does my domain display as not eligible for transfer?

A domain will show as "Not Eligible for Transfer" under the following circumstances:

  1. Outstanding Fee on Legacy .co.za Domain: If there is currently an outstanding fee associated with the Legacy .co.za domain, it will be ineligible for transfer until the fee is cleared.

  2. Recent Payment of Outstanding Fee: If an outstanding fee has been recently paid on the domain, it can only be transferred after the 6th of the following month in which the payment was made.

  3. Anniversary Period: If the domain is within its Anniversary period, which spans from 3 days prior to its expiration date up to the 6th of the following month, it will not be eligible for transfer during this time.

  4. Within First Month of Registration: If the domain is within its first month of registration, it will be ineligible for transfer until after the initial registration period has elapsed.

  5. Legacy Transfer Ticket Not Accepted or Declined: If the Legacy Transfer Ticket associated with the domain was not accepted or was declined, the domain will remain ineligible for transfer until the transfer ticket is appropriately handled.

If this FAQ does not answer your question, please email support@siteessence.co.za or call/WhatsApp 0877 298 200.

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