What is domain forwarding or domain redirection?

Domain Forwarding, also known as domain redirection, is a service that allows you to redirect traffic from one domain to another. It enables you to automatically send visitors who enter one domain name to a different domain name or URL.

For example, if you own multiple domain names or variations of your primary domain, you can use domain forwarding to consolidate traffic to a single primary domain. Similarly, if you've rebranded your website or changed your domain name, domain forwarding allows you to seamlessly redirect visitors from your old domain to your new domain.

Here's how domain forwarding works:

  1. Set Up Forwarding: You log in to your domain registrar's control panel or DNS management interface and configure domain forwarding for the desired domain.

  2. Specify Destination: You specify the destination URL or domain where you want the traffic to be redirected. This can be another domain name, a specific webpage, or an external URL.

  3. Choose Redirect Type: You may have the option to choose the type of redirect, such as a temporary (302) or permanent (301) redirect. Permanent redirects are typically preferred for SEO purposes, as they inform search engines that the old domain has permanently moved to the new domain.

  4. Save Changes: Once you've configured the forwarding settings, you save the changes, and the domain forwarding takes effect.

Domain forwarding is commonly used for various purposes, including:

  • Redirecting traffic from alternative domain extensions (e.g., .net, .org) to the primary domain (e.g., .com).
  • Redirecting traffic from common misspellings or variations of the domain name to the correct domain.
  • Forwarding traffic from old or outdated domains to a new domain after a website rebranding or domain name change.

Overall, domain forwarding is a convenient tool for managing multiple domain names and directing traffic efficiently to the desired destination. It helps ensure a seamless browsing experience for visitors and maintains the integrity of your online presence across different domains.


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