What will happen if I have been accused of spamming?

We take spam offences very seriously and reserve the right to suspend or cancel, without warning, any account that violates our Acceptable Use policy regarding spam.

Should you choose to send email from our hosting servers, especially if you use mailing lists, it is imperative that you read, understand, and adhere to our policy on spam abuse.

Should one of our clients be accused of spamming, we will initiate an investigation (within 24 – 48 hours). During the investigation, we may restrict the client’s access in order to prevent further possible unauthorised activity. If the client is found in violation of our Acceptable Use Policy, we are within our full rights to suspend or cancel the client’s account.

If this FAQ does not answer your question, please email support@siteessence.co.za or call/WhatsApp 0877 298 200.

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